mr hayden is my teacher and he is so cool everytime i go to write a blog i just...just....get SOO EXCITED!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"Cry of the Hunters"

In the chapter "Cry of the Hunters", Ralph hides in the forest and tries to understand everything that has happened on the island, including the death of Piggy and Simon. He comes across the Lord of the Flies and breaks the pig's skull and uses the stake and a spear for protection against Jack. Later that night he goes up to Castle Rock to realize that Samneric are guarding the entrance. They give Ralph food but refuse to join him. They tell him that they are planning to attack and find him tomorrow. Ralph decides to sleep in a thicket because they wont find him there. When he wakes up in the morning he hears talking and realizes that Jack is torturing one of the twins so that way he will tell them where Ralph is hiding. Jack and his boys try to send a boulder in the thicket. This does not work, so they set the island on fire to try and smoke him out. Ralph tries to run through the tribe and finds himself hiding in some underbrush. They find him here so he keeps running down to the beach. He realizes that there is a naval officer standing over him. All of the boys, including Jack and his tribe realize that they all went crazy on the island, and they cry as they try to get themselves together because they know that they are being rescued.

"Castle Rock"

In the chapter "Castle Rock", Ralph and his group try to light the fire but they cant because of the wind. At this point Ralph thinks its best that he calls and assembly with those of his group. At the meeting they say that they are going to go up to castle rock and try to make reason with Jack's tribe. Ralph takes the conch as a reminder of his authority. As they come upon castle rock, there are gaurds. Ralph blows the conch but at this point it does not matter. The gaurds start to throw rocks at Ralph and his group. Jack and a few others appear from the forest with a dead pig. Ralph tells Jack to give Piggy back his glasses. Jack immediately orders Ralph to leave and they start to fight. Ralph is trying to get the point across to Jack that they need the fire as a signal to be recused. Jack does not give in. Instead he orders Robert to tie the twins up and this set Ralph off. He plunges at Jack. As Piggy is trying to yell over all of this, a boulder strikes down and Ralph misses it , but it kills Piggy. Then Jack throws a spear at Ralph, and he goes away into the forest. As this happens Jack starts to torture the twins and bribe them to join his tribe.

"The Shell and the Glasses"

In the chapter "The Shell and the Glasses" Piggy and Ralph talk about Simon's death. Piggy keeps saying it was an accident and it didnt happen. Ralph says it was not an accident and it was meant to happen. They decided to forget it happened all together. They continue to keep their fire going, except at night. When they go to bed this night they hear someone saying Piggy's name. All of a sudden their shelter is busted down and there is a fight between Ralph, Piggy, and the twins. They realize that it was jack and his group because as they run away they have Piggy's glasses, but they didnt get to conch.

"A View to Death"

In the chapter " A View to Death", Simon wakes up and realizes what just happened with the pig. He heads back down the mountain to tell them that there isnt a beast, its a dead man. Ralph and Piggy are down in the bathing pool talking about the rain, and how some of the littluns went on to Jacks feast because they were hungry. Piggy suggests that they go too, just to make sur everythign is alright. As they approach the feast they hear everyone laughing and chanting. Jack offers everyone as much food as they can eat, and then he asks who will join his tribe. Ralph and Jack argue about who is chief and the conch. Jack and his group start chanting and playing the hunting game. At the time Simon is still coming down the mountain to tell them what he seen. Simon runs right into their hunting game and Jack and the others think its the beast so they start really stabbing and hurting him. Simon dies. In the end of the chapter the parachute and the dead man float in the air down into the water and gently turned away.

"Gift for the Darkness"

In the chapter "Gift for the Darkness" Ralph and Jack and the other boys come down the mountain to tell Piggy that they seen the beast. At first Piggy didnt believe it but then he just wondered what they were going to do. Jack got very angry when Ralph said that he would probably hide from the beat and that his hunters were only boys with sticks. This is when Jack decides to depart from everyone else and go to another part of the island. Maurice, Robert, and Bill join him. After they leave Piggy and Ralph discuss what theyre going to do about the fire and how theyre going to keep it going. Then they decide to have the fire down on the island instead of on top of the mountain. Later, Simon goes up the mountain to sit in a woven mat. Far along the beach Jack and his group talk about hunting. He says that they are going to forget the beast. Then they go hunting right away. They kill a pig and stick its head on a stick with two sharpened ends. Roger asks how they are going to get a fire, and thats when Jack gets the clever idea to steal from Ralph and his group. They left the pig head on the stick as a gift for the beast. Simon sees the pig and hallucinates that the pig, known as the lord of the flies, talks to him. Down the mountain Jack arrives to Ralph and explains that theyre going to have feast and anyone who wants to visit may. As Jack leaves Ralph and Piggy discuss going to the feast and the littluns let their mouths water over the sound of meat. Simon wakes up to the Lord of the Flies talking to him. He says that they're going to have fun on the island.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Shadows and Tall Trees"

In chapter seven "Shadows and Tall Trees" Ralph discovers how dirty he is and how cruddy his hair, nails, and cloths are. Simon tells Ralph that he thinks he will get back alright, which Ralph does not understand what Simon is talking about. Later, up the mountain, they see a bore and try to kill it. Ralph jabs his spear into the pig but it got away. Along with this Jack gets cut by the bore's tucks. As they are still talking about the bore and all, they act as if Robert is a pig. They actualy poked him and hurt his "bum". Later, Simon volunteers to go back down the mountain to tell Piggy that they will not be back until later that night or in the morning. Some of the others boys back down too because they are frightened. The only boys left looking for the beast are Ralph, Jack, and Roger. They sneek up on some trees and see the beast. Ralph stands up so he can better see. All of the boys get really scared and start running back down the mountain. Once they reach the platform the immediately start telling everyone about the beast they seen.

"Beast from Air"

In chapter seven "Beast from Air" the boys are all asleep at night while a parachute is ejected from a plane in the sky. There is a pilot attached to the parachute and it lands in the trees somewhere on the island. The pilot is all burned up and dead. The next day Samneric go to tend the fire when they see the pilot and the parachute in the tree. They claim its the beast because they do not know what it really is. They run down the mountain to tell Ralph, Piggy, Jack, and the others. As they are panicked and frightened while telling the story, the littluns become frightened too. At first the biguns didnt believe them two , but this signals jack to go hunt "the beast". Piggy stays back on the island, taking care of the littluns. While they are up on the mountain Jack starts building a fort on the rocks, and Ralph gets really mad about this.