mr hayden is my teacher and he is so cool everytime i go to write a blog i just...just....get SOO EXCITED!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Painted Faces and Long Hair"

In the chapter "Painted Faces and Long Hair" the first few pharagraphs talk about the characteristics of the sea, island, and mountain. It also explains the eating habits of the littluns and what they do. At beach-level the littuns play and build sand castles. Three were playing in the sand then: Henry, Percival, and Johnny. Roger and Maurice came out of the forest from fire duty to take a swim. As they ran to the sea they kicked sand in the littluns eyes. Rogert felt a little bad about this happening. As they swim they realize the transparencies in the water. Jack sees Roger and explains that putting clay on his face is for "hunting". He calls the two boys, samneric, and roger to follow him to the pigs. The others were forming a line so they can kill the pig. Meantime, Ralph and Piggy and some of the others are still swimming when a ship approaches and they see thats there is no smoke for signal. The ship ends up not seein them because the fire was let out. Ralph is VERY upset about this! All of the boys who killed the pig come back to where Ralph and his crew are ,shouting and hollering with the joy of their hunt. Ralph and Jack have a confrontation about who let the fire out, and Jack apologizes. At the end of the chapter Ralph goes back down the mountain in dismay.

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